Gered Gereedschap

Gered Gereedschap supports (junior) craftsmen in developing countries, with knowledge, skills and means and the right tools and equipment, a thorough vocational training and guidance into the labour market. We offer help on the road to self-employment for craftsmen like carpenters, car mechanics or tailors. This is a sustainable and effective way to leave poverty behind.

Project Baptist Vocational Training Centre

The Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) was established more than 60 years ago in a small village in Cameroon, to offer healthcare to the local population. The BVTC, a training centre, was started in 2005; this centre provides vocational training to young people. It offers the youth of today the opportunity to learn a profession, so they can become self-reliant in the near future. The objectives that are set, with the support of Gered Gereedschap:

  • to increase the capacity of the local population by vocational education;
  • to develop local entrepreneurship;
  • to contribute to the local economic development;
  • to teach norms, values and skills to participate at school and in society.

So far the school trained 200 young people in a number of technical jobs. Each year about 30 students apply for the chance to get a vocational education. All these youngsters come from very poor families. CBCHS also provides training programs for people with a disability. The organisation has a training centre for vocational rehabilitation and an integrated school for people with a visual or hearing impairment.

BVTC offers a training as a tailor, carpenter, mason, metalworker, electrician, car mechanic or plumber. Students study at the school between 1 to 3 years. Products made by the students are sold locally; besides making these products students also participate in local building projects.

More than half of the graduates have found a job, or started their own company. Some even began work at the training centre, as teachers. The training centre so far realised over 10 local building projects.

It serves several purposes

Ewout Noordermeer, CEO of Ultimo Software Solutions: “Our organisation is happy to take our responsibility to support people who face more challenges than we do, who can use our support. We recently came into contact with Gered Gereedschap and the project caught our eye. We feel that it serves several purposes: they support a lovely group of young people who learn a profession and build their own future; the workshops offer room to vulnerable people from welfare organisations, re-integration projects or centres for daytime activities. It is wonderful to see that tools and other suitable materials will, in a sustainable manner, find a new leash on life. And finally, it is a great link to a large number of our target group, often working for technical and other support services.”

Do you want to help us?

BVTC has a serious lack of tools for the subjects they teach; this means it is difficult to give good and effective practical training. By gifting the training centre with tools, these students can get a proper professional education. Almost any tool is welcome: tools for carpentry, masonry, electrical work, plumbing, metal work, etc.

For more information and collection points, do visit:

Other blogs written by Freddy Vos

Happy to help you at any time
Tina Scott Sales Director - Americas