Supremely flexible
Covers all types of assets
Unmatched ROI


We are proud of the care given by our hospitals. The combination of increasing demand, rising costs and a tight labour market do require more innovation and efficiency. How can you get your supporting processes, meaning facility, maintenance management and medical technology, to facilitate you? There’s a reason why you want to be informed about the status of your assets at all times.

Do more with less

Extensive project support

Good equipment, tools, facilities and IT resources are vital in health care. Thorough management and maintenance is top priority. The government endorses this by giving increasingly more authorisations to the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate. Nevertheless, health care institutions are expected to economise by being more efficient. Increasing competition and cost pressure means the distinctive profile of the individual health care provider becomes more important. All reasons to have your support processes professionally backed by an integral tool for all processes. How will you profit the most from the use of one software tool in your organisation?

  • Full support with the most common tool in health care for facilities, IT service and maintenance processes.
  • Increase your service desk’s commitment to its customer and give your customers Self-Service options.
  • Downtime reduction, performance improvements and lifespan extension for your valuable medical assets.

More control of Medical Technology at UZ Brussel

The University Hospital in Brussels is an academic centre for top clinical patient care based on innovation and scientific research. In 2013, the hospital chose to implement Ultimo to support the biotechnical service. The software gives the biotechnological service a much better overview of all medical equipment.

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Martini Hospital acts like a real team with IFS Ultimo

The Martini Hospital is a large specialized clinical hospital. They use Ultimo throughout their organization for supporting processes. This is what the Martini Hospital calls Facilitating Health Care. The department of Medical Technology and the Technical service have been working with Ultimo for 15 years. By now the software has also spread through the rest of the organization.

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Happy to help you at any time
Tina Scott Sales Director - Americas

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