Supremely flexible
Covers all types of assets
Unmatched ROI


Managing and maintaining infrastructural objects comes down to teamwork and the proper coordination of activities. This is why transparency between the infra manager and the contractor is essential. But how do you manage it? How do you make sure that the right activities are performed at the right moment in time? And also important: how do you write down and manage the agreements that are made?


The best performance and still the lowest costs

Nowadays the responsibility of contractors does not end after the project is finished. In fact, the real work only starts then, because how will you make sure your assets are available for the duration you agreed without booking a loss on your project? Do you see sufficient data relating to your assets? The Infra Asset Management software is an excellent opportunity for you to register and optimise your asset management processes. It allows you to share information with your client(s); giving them insight into their assets with relevant management information, which can be actioned when necessary.

Your advantages when you use Ultimo Infra Asset Management software:

  • Register and meet contract agreements and Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
  • Stay in control of maintenance costs.
  • Better risk assessment and easier to anticipate the future. See vital signs. Take vital action.
Public administration

Software ready for your future

Working in the government or public sector, you often manage an enormous portfolio with valuable assets. Buildings, assets, IT resources, fleet; all of these and more. Together they are of huge value for your organisation. How do you make sure you do not take any irresponsible risks, for instance financially, when you manage all these assets? And how do you streamline all these processes efficiently? Ultimo software gives you the perfect tool to optimise and streamline all support processes. Does your organisation use the Internet of Things yet? Another way to use Ultimo; as a hub with which you can get so much more return from your assets and processes. Are you ready for the future?

Depending on your need for support we can put together a fitting solution from our modular range.

Ultimo software means you profit from:

  • Software that fits your organisation and need for support.
  • More control over costs of your property, company assets and other assets.
  • Better services for you internal customers and citizens.
  • Better control and collaborative opportunities with external suppliers because of the careful registration of contracts and agreements.

Rijkswaterstaat: domain in order

What is the condition of all these objects that RWS has? What is the most objective way to determine this? This was one of the major issues that the Ministry considered regarding Asset Management. Now they are using Ultimo Infra Asset Management software, so all the information can be recorded and saved. Ultimo also plays a vital role in their collaboration with market parties. Information recorded in Ultimo software is the point of departure, from which further agreements about performance can be made. Those can then be monitored.

Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure

Water boards: understanding of the domain, decomposition and assets

Water management is very important to the Netherlands. We invest a lot in water safety. And so should we all. Climate changes require us to remain focussed and alert. Because we, the citizens, want our tax money to be spent well, our water boards realise that their infrastructure and processes need to be managed efficiently. Infra Asset Management software by Ultimo enables you to shape professional asset management, in conformity with ISO 55000. Inventory risks and make sure you perform work on time so you minimise failures and have your assets render the best results. Do you employ contractors? Then you want to record all contractual obligations clearly and concisely. In an organised and unambiguous way.

Water board De Dommel
Happy to help you at any time
Tina Scott Sales Director - Americas

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