Technology as a connector

The technology to get the most value out of data is developing rapidly. Networks, sensors, data storage and analytics are becoming increasingly accessible and affordable. All around us data are available, and by connecting them to your Asset Management, they gain value. That is why we offer the option of integrating various leading track and trace systems in the Ultimo Enterprise Asset Management platform. This allows you, as an asset manager, to be constantly aware of where your critical assets, tools and/or spare parts are and where they are moved. This creates value within the Asset Management chain because:  

  • the productivity of your staff improves as less searching means more tool time;
  • the availability of your critical assets and tools increases because you’ll never lose anything again;
  • your Capex and Opex decrease because you need less capacity, which means:
    • fewer purchases of new assets and tools;
    • fewer operational Assets to maintain.

Optimise your processes

In short, you can optimise your processes by connecting data. Eliminate all inefficient activities and create focus. This ensures that you are better prepared for changes and enables you to do more with less. More tool time for your people, which is crucial in a tight labour market, and higher availability of your critical assets, allowing you to significantly reduce your maintenance costs.

What customers say

Some of our customers already use track and trace tools in combination with Ultimo software.

Norman Cleenewerck, Head of Biotechnology at the Jan Yperman Ziekenhuis:
“By applying track and trace we save a lot of unnecessary costs. In the past, we often had to hire medical supplies because we could not find our own. Today, we can trace the location of everything at any given time, so we no longer need to hire them”.

Interested in a demo?

Want to know more? Visit our Partner ecosystem overview. We are happy to make an appointment to give you a demo of the possibilities and let you experience the benefits of track and trace solutions.

Other blogs written by Patrick Beekman

Happy to help you at any time
Kris Sage Sales Director