Supremely flexible
Covers all types of assets
Unmatched ROI

Disclaimer & privacy statement

The disclaimer covers the website ultimo.com, the digital newsletter of Ultimo Software Solutions bv and all e-mail correspondence sent by our organisation and employees. The privacy statement also covers the information Ultimo Software Solutions collects during visits to our site.


The following applies to the website and the digital newsletter of Ultimo Software Solutions bv (ultimo.com). ‘Website’ is also understood to mean ‘digital newsletter’. By using our website, you agree with this disclaimer.

Exclusion of liability
Ultimo maintains this website for your personal use. Nothing on this website creates any rights or obligations and errors and omissions are excepted. We strive to provide complete and accurate information on this webpage.

Under no circumstances do we accept responsibility or liability for damages of any kind whatsoever resulting or arising directly or indirectly from the use of or inability to use this website, possible incompleteness or inaccuracy of the information offered.

The information and recommendations on this site are subject to change without notice. We strive to keep this website up and running as much as possible but do not accept any liability for the flawed operation or unavailability of the website, temporary or otherwise.

Copyrights and intellectual property rights
The copyright of this website belongs to Ultimo Software Solutions bv and/or their affiliated entities, or to third parties who have made (visual) material available to us. Replication in any shape or form is subject to the prior consent by Ultimo Software Solutions bv.

Ultimo Software Solutions bv is not responsible for the content of any files and/or websites linked to this website.

Information in an e-mail message is solely intended for the addressee. The content does not constitute any promise or undertaking. Ultimo shall remain exempt from all liability due to incomplete or not timely reception of an e-mail. Use by third parties or disclosure of the message without consent by Ultimo Software Solutions bv or the addressee is not allowed. We advise you to scan all messages and attachments for viruses before opening.

Please contact Ultimo Software Solutions bv for additional information and/or questions about this disclaimer.

Privacy statement

This is the website of Ultimo Software Solutions bv, located at Waterweg 3, 8071 RR in Nunspeet, The Netherlands. You can reach us at: info@ultimo.com or: +31 341 42 37 37.

This statement discusses the information collected during visits to our website. We respect your privacy; any personal information you provide will be dealt with confidentially. We process personal data GDPR compliant. We have taken security measures to protect your personal data, both technical and organisational. This privacy statement describes how we handle personal data.

Objectives and legal grounds of processing data
We use personal data to process your requests or to grant you access to certain information. By granting us permission we can respond more efficiently to your requests, inform you directly about new products, or invite you to participate in online questionnaires. We can also process your personal data in compliance with legal obligations, to generate statistics about the use of the website, to analyse and/or improve our website, and/or improve our communication, products and services. When you use a contact form you give us permission to approach you with commercial information.

If your organisation is a client of ours your information will be processed as a necessary part of the execution of the rights and obligations resulting from our contractual relation or based on legislation. We also have a legitimate interest to send additional information about our company to those who submitted their data in order to receive a service, for instance attending an event or similar, as long as that person has not indicated that they no longer value this information.

We assure you that your personal data will not be issued to others, except when required by law, at your own request, to other branches of Ultimo Software Solutions bv for operational reasons or to processors who we have contracted to perform certain tasks for us, for instance the provider of the tool for e-learning, the provider of questionnaires, hosting providers and mail tool providers. We never store payment data on public servers.

What information is processed
We ask you for certain information for certain services. This personal data is collected with the forms on our website:

  • Salutation
  • First name
  • Surname
  • E-mail address
  • Company name
  • Any opt-ins

Click behaviour and visitor data
Our website collects general visitor data. Information we gather is the IP address of your computer, possible user name, the internet browser or OS you use, the number of visits, the average time you spent on the website, when information was requested, the data your browser sent and the pages you visit; this is registered and used for the statistical analysis of visitor and click behaviour on the site. The information also helps us optimise the behaviour of the website. The data will be anonymised as much as possible.

We do not collect or segment Special Categories of Personal Data.

Retention period
If you fill in a contact or registration form on the website or otherwise sign up, use our services or send us an e-mail, the information you send us will be retained for as long as allowed for that particular form, the contents of your e-mail or the required services necessary to answer or process them. An exception is the information required to meet our legal obligations, settle disputes and honour our commitments.

Ultimo Software Solutions bv is a rapidly growing company, always on the lookout for new employees. Personal data is collected during the application procedure and processed as per the law. After the recruitment period, data of those applicants we do not employ will be saved for 1 year at the most before they are removed completely. If we feel the need to save data for a longer period of time we will ask the applicant’s permission.

If you do not switch off cookies and use our website, we assume that you agree with our use of cookies. For more information about our use of cookies read our Cookie statement.

Links to third party websites
This privacy statement only concerns activities on Ultimo servers. Other websites, including those actively linked to by our website, third party websites or sub-brands, have their own privacy policy not executed or enforced by us and therefore not subject to this privacy policy. We are not responsible for these third parties and how they handle personal and other data. We advise you to read the privacy statements on those sites before you use them.

Information requests, cancellation, view, rectification and right to object
Naturally we respect your wishes if you do not give permission for collecting, registering and using your personal data for these objectives. You can inform us in writing or by e-mail if you no longer want to be approached with information about our products. If you do not want to receive e-mails or newsletters you can click on the unsubscribe link for an automatic cancellation.

You can write to the address below if you want more information about our company, products, or privacy policy, if you want to submit a request for inspection, rectification, limit the processing, removal or deletion of your personal data, or if the unsubscribe link in the e-mail or newsletter does not work. This address can also be used if you want to issue a complaint. If you want to receive your own (digital) personal data which we process you can invoke your right of data portability. This means that you will receive your information in a manner that is easily submitted to another organisation, should you so wish. We will deal with your request within a reasonable time frame. Complaints concerning the processing of personal data can also be submitted to the Data Protection Authority.

Ultimo Software Solutions bv
Waterweg 3
8071 RR Nunspeet
The Netherlands

Changes and updates
We retain the right to modify or amend this privacy statement without prior notice. Changes will be made available on this website. It is not possible to give individual notice of such a change. You are advised to check the website regularly for any changes or updates.

The present privacy statement was updated on 10 July 2023.

Happy to help you at any time
Kris Sage Sales Director