Supremely flexible
Covers all types of assets
Unmatched ROI


Type of Partner
Technology Partner

The Ultimo software is very easy to link to Dynamics 365, Microsoft’s ERP system. With this link, you can now shape your complete Asset Management in Ultimo. You can also very easily integrate the financial and logistical processes surrounding it with your Dynamics 365. To do so, Ultimo has made several connectors available on the Power Platform. The Ultimo software is run fully from Microsoft Azure and uses Power BI to create comprehensive dashboards.

Technology Partner

About Microsoft

Microsoft’s mission is help every person and every organisation to achieve more. They do this with a wide variety of products and services, including an ERP platform (Microsoft Dynamics), a cloud platform (Microsoft Azure) and a Business Intelligence tool (Power BI).

How Microsoft and Ultimo help you work more efficiently

Every day, Ultimo helps organisations get the most from their assets and personnel. To realise this, we make Ultimo available on a high-end SaaS platform (Microsoft Azure), where availability is essential. Microsoft also helps us by visualising important data from Power BI so you have important indicators and dashboards that provide you with information of your assets available at a glance. 
But our collaboration goes beyond just that. By linking Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Ultimo Enterprise Asset Management, crucial asset management processes can be linked from Ultimo to your financial and logistical processes in Dynamics 365. For this purpose, Ultimo has made multiple connectors available on the Microsoft Power Platform. By automating these steps, you can work faster and reduce the risk of human errors. 


Ultimo is a Microsoft Managed Partner. This give Ultimo direct access to a large team of Microsoft experts. This way, you are guaranteed quick answers to your related questions and requirements. The Ultimo solutions and integrations with Microsoft will also soon become available through the Microsoft marketplaces.

These customers benefit from our partnership

A large number of organisations already rely on the link between Ultimo and Microsoft. All new Ultimo customers will profit directly from all benefits that the (Azure) Cloud solution provides. Current customers will also be migrated in the upcoming period. Meaning all our customers will profit from the flexibility of the Azure cloud soon.

Hermien Roebersen, Partner Lead at Microsoft, about the partnership with Ultimo:

“With ISV partner Ultimo we have developed a strong partnering collaboration in which Ultimo is fully leveraging the opportunity of the Microsoft Cloud Platforms as fundament for their IP solutions. We are very excited that Ultimo is bringing their Enterprise Asset Management solutions to market and help customers transform into digital companies”

More information?

If you would like to see a demo of the possibilities and experience how the integrations with Microsoft work, then please contact us for more information!

Visit the Microsoft solution page on the Ultimo Marketplace to view more details.

Happy to help you at any time
Kris Sage Sales Director