Supremely flexible
Covers all types of assets
Unmatched ROI

MAAK Techniek

Type of Partner
Implementation Partner
Ultimo verticals
Infra, Manufacturing, Utilities

MAAK Techniek is a consulting agency in the Northern Netherlands. MAAK Techniek make a difference by giving the customer control over maintenance.

Implementation partner

How Maak Techniek & Ultimo help you to make maintenance more manageable and efficient

To set up maintenance, a properly functioning maintenance management system is important. Ultimo is the answer. Our Makers like working with Ultimo and help the customer use the system in the best way possible. That way you get the most out of Ultimo! Because of the close collaboration with Ultimo, we stay up to date with updates and changes. That’s how together we make sure the customer’s system works as it should.

Ultimo is a commonly used system for managing maintenance in the industry. Our Makers are familiar with the program so they can help the customer get the most out of it. Proper use of Ultimo makes maintenance more manageable and more efficient. In the end, this leads to time and cost savings.

These customers benefit from our partnership

One of our first customers has been working with Ultimo for ages; Kisuma Chemicals in Veendam. Kisuma’s maintenance engineer about the collaboration:

“MAAK Techniek supports us in setting up Ultimo. We don’t have the time, knowledge or expertise to do so. Many work with the system, but setting it up is difficult. We have 20,000 tags but no time to optimise them. MAAK offers new insights, which is great.”

MAAK Techniek about our partnership

By working with Ultimo, our Makers stay up to date with system updates, our expertise is always available, and we can advise and help our customers even better.

Happy to help you at any time
Kris Sage Sales Director