One platform, all Ultimo related solutions

For Ultimo customers, it is the place to get more value out of their Ultimo software. Integrations with technology partners, add-ons, industry solutions, and other products are showcased in the marketplace. Enrich your Ultimo with additional technology integrations like the Internet of Things, Track and Trace, or Virtual Reality Solutions.  Get inspired. Search for specific add-ons in your industry. Or find the right Ultimo e-learning. Everything to get more value out of your Ultimo software!

Additional opportunities for partners

Our list of technology partnerships and additional available Ultimo add-ons has grown explosively in the last year. It is now time to give more attention to those partners and solutions. An online marketplace is a perfect environment for collecting all these innovative products and services. By launching the Marketplace, we offer new channel and technology partners an additional outlet to create extra visibility for their solutions and for Ultimo extensions that are created through our low code platform. The marketplace also offers additional possibilities for further development of the Ultimo partner ecosystem. Not only Ultimo to Partner relationships will be stimulated, but also Partner to Partner relations.

We invite you all to take a first look at our Marketplace:

Happy to help you at any time
Kris Sage Sales Director