Simply schedule all your periodical maintenance work

In addition, there are audits, where you have to establish that you were timely in performing your periodical maintenance. Ultimo has software solutions that will support this, like the Periodical Maintenance module. This user-friendly module helps you to simply schedule all your periodical maintenance work. Periodical Maintenance can be generated based on meter readings, counter readings, week numbers, and/or frequency.  Next, the specific tasks will be placed in your schedule automatically at the time when they have to be executed. A planner shows the jobs graphically; it also allows you to organise or reassign them. Because maintenance often means that the same jobs have to be repeated you can also create a fixed template that you can link to your jobs, saving a lot of time. Executed activities can be viewed on equipment level, creating a well-arranged history. The characteristic flexibility of the software allows you to shape the module using your specific requirements.

Would you like more information on the module Periodical Maintenance?

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Other blogs written by Freddy Vos

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Kris Sage Sales Director