All assets produce data and this data can be easily accessed. So, having data are at your fingertips how do you read and understand all this data to make the right decisions?
A platform that reads SCADA, PLC, MES, historian, sensors and available technologies such as Edge Machine Learning, AI, Advanced Analytics and domain knowledge provides the solution.

Axians – Maestro is a leading example of such a platform. It was built with the goal of unlocking and analysing real-time data. This platform is scalable and can be used as a central hub to store and analyse all different kinds of data sources, now and in the future. Together with Axians, Ultimo have built an integration between Maestro and Ultimo that is able to convert deviations into maintenance tasks in the Ultimo platform. This way, you can optimise your processes and the ultimate maintenance moment becomes reality!

How do we provide this integration for customers? The implementation is actually quite simple and can be completed within 30 days.

Sounds interesting! Where do I start?

It is very easy to start with a pilot to become comfortable with the many possibilities. How does the pilot work? We organise a virtual kick-off to provide insight into the data processing in the Maestro platform. We will also immediately start looking for data that are available in your systems. Subsequently, one or more assets will be linked to Maestro so that data are collected over a longer period. This will quickly provide insight into the normal behaviour of your asset(s). Once you get to know the normal behaviour, you automatically start to recognise the abnormal behaviour, which can easily be converted into actions for your Ultimo Asset Management system. This ensures that operators can anticipate events faster than you could have seen them coming. As more data are collected, increasingly accurate predictions can be made about future failures. Not a user of Ultimo’s EAM platform yet? Let us know if you are interested in this solution and we will get in touch to discuss the possibilities.

What about security?

Data security is very important of course. The data we are talking about do not contain any personal information, so GDPR guidelines do not apply to them. Furthermore, we are just unlocking data from an asset. This is not about controlling assets remotely but about monitoring them remotely. The data are stored in an Azure Cloud, where multi-layer security applies to optimally protect your data.

Why wait any longer?

Feel free to contact us for further explanations on how IoT can optimise your Asset Management process. And find out for yourself that getting started doesn’t have to be hard at all.

Other blogs written by Patrick Beekman

Happy to help you at any time
Kris Sage Sales Director