
If you open the FAQ a tree structure is opened. Within this tree a division has been made in technical subjects, functional subjects and subjects that cover application management. In many cases the solution is given directly when you open the subject and you will be answered immediately. Sometimes you also find documentation, to read or to download.


For some subjects a version-specific tab will be made available. It appears when older versions require a different solution from the newer Ultimo versions; the solution shown is always for the latest Ultimo version. On the tab you can find a list with all Ultimo versions that require a different solution. The view button helps you to the version-specific solution.

Search field

It is not strictly speaking necessary to browse through the tree structure. You can also use the Search field at the top of the screen. Type the subject you have a question about and all related topics will be shown.

FAQ will be kept up-to-date all the time. But, should your question not be in the list, you can always contact our Support department. They will be happy to help you!

Other blogs written by Freddy Vos

Happy to help you at any time
Tina Scott Sales Director - Americas