Nature’s Pride

Nature’s Pride is specialised in importing, ripening, packing and distributing over 500 different kinds of fresh exotic fruits and vegetables from over 70 countries. Nature’s Pride supplies supermarket and wholesaler customers throughout Europe with its products. A proper chain cooperation and long-term partnerships with their more than 300 dedicated farmers is key to the organisation.

Double administration

“The Facility Management and Technical Service departments do not currently use a system for processing support requests and failures or the management of assets. ICT does use such a system, but this system is limited. The overall management is conducted via Outlook and Excel files saved in a Windows directory structure. This means we spend a lot of time looking for the correct data and often keep double administration,” Peter Fortuin tells us.

Ultimo Facility Management

Nature’s Pride will change all of this with the use of Ultimo: “By implementing Ultimo, we want to realise the streamlined processing of requests, failures and incidents; prevent double administrations; and we want quick access to the information concerning our assets.” Fortuin sees even more possibilities: “We want to gain insight into the costs per asset, the planning and safeguarding of preventative maintenance, and the planning of the activities of the Technical Service, Facility Management and ICT employees.”

Other blogs written by Freddy Vos

Happy to help you at any time
Kris Sage Sales Director