Three-Step Inventory of Obsolescence
Step 1: Know what you have
Every inventory starts with a proper registration of your machinery. What equipment do you have and what is the theoretical life span? The theoretical life span gives an indication of the technical obsolescence of the machine over the years. You can usually ask the manufacturer for this information.
Step 2: The actual condition of your machines
Do you have insight into the actual condition of the machine as opposed to the expected service life? It may not always be possible to carry out a proper condition measurement, but you might be able to make a trend analysis of the history of failures over the years. This will give insight into the failures that have occurred, and it will allow you to make a rough estimate of the condition of a machine on the basis of its age.
Step 3: Compare the theoretical life span with the estimated condition
By comparing the theoretical life span with the estimated condition, you will gain insight into which phase of ageing the machine is in. This will also give insight into the expected service life. Based on this you can balance operational life extending activities such as maintenance, revision or replacement against the machine’s criticality for the production.
This is a fine starting point to keep your machinery in excellent condition. It may not be a complete rejuvenation cure, but it’s a start!
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